Home Log Homes Log Cabins: The Ultimate Home on a Budget

Log Cabins: The Ultimate Home on a Budget

Log Cabins: The Ultimate Home on a Budget

Photo by Onfokus via iStock

Building a cabin is one of those tasks that seems complex but isn’t. If you’ve ever made something similar, you know it can be done. There are many different ways to build a cabin, and there are even more options for you to choose from.

You could spend hundreds of dollars buying a kit or try building it yourself with a little help from friends. Either way, the end goal is the same—a cozy home away from home.

In this article, we will focus on a DIY home cabin. When you are done with this article, you will be able to go out and build your perfect log cabin without breaking the bank.

These steps will help you build your perfect log cabin on a low budget.

Picking the Land for Log Cabins

small red wooden cabin in a forest

Photo by Petr Kahanek via iStock

Before you start building any cabin, the first thing to consider is the land you will build on. You might already own the space, or you might be looking for a small section to buy or rent.

Once you know where you want your log cabin, you can begin searching for a suitable location. This means finding an area with the right space for your needs. It’s important to consider how big you want your cabin to be before deciding where to put it.

Before you set your heart on the land, you should do your research to find out if there are any red flags about the land before moving forward.

This can sometimes be a surprising upfront cost, but without doing so, you could spend thousands of dollars cleaning up toxic waste sites or dealing with flooding issues. If you don’t understand what you’re getting into, you won’t be able to benefit from them.

You should learn as much as possible about the property before you even begin looking for a place to call home. Are there any potential problems? Is the soil rich enough? Do you have access to water? What about wildlife?

If you plan on living in the cabin year-round, you may want to pick a spot close to a town where you can access supplies. Alternatively, you may be seeking a remote settlement.

There are plenty of places to find land, so choose one that satisfies all of your needs.

Building the Cabin

 Modern Log Cabin

Photo by dancestrokes on iStock

Now that you have found suitable land, you can move on to the next step: building your cabin.

Materials for Log Cabins

If you’re looking to build a cabin without breaking the bank, look no further than log cabin kits. These kits typically contain everything you need to build a sturdy cabin, including materials such as lumber, nails, screws, hinges, etc., and instructions to guide you along the way.

With respect to the size of the cabin, kits are typically sold in sets of four to six pieces. They range in price anywhere from $50 to several hundred dollars per square foot—excluding foundation, floors, and bathroom finishes.

The best part about log cabin kits is that they make assembling a cabin much easier. You simply need to adhere to the instructions, make a few final adjustments, and presto!


Before you start building your cabin, first, you’ll want to lay out the foundation. A strong foundation determines how long your cabin will last.

Walls & Floors

Walls of a log cabin

Photo by Pyrosky via iStock

Then, you can add walls and floors when you are done with the foundation. There are many types to choose from to create your desired look. Once you are done with this, you can finish the interior and exterior of your cabin.

Roofing for Log Cabins

You now have to choose the type of roofing you want for your cabin. If you are going to stay outdoors for long periods, a flat roof is probably best. This is because they are less expensive, and they consume less space.

On the other hand, a gable roof is a good option for winter weather because it is weather resistant. They also provide good drainage for rain.


You have a wide range of options when it comes to finishing your cabin. Some people prefer to paint their cabin while others prefer to stain it. Don’t forget to treat your wood to prevent it from deterioration.

Going Off the Grid

log cabin in the fog

Photo by vzwer via iStock

Consider building the cabin off the grid. If you’re going to live in a remote area, you will need to research alternative energy sources. This includes solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric dams.

You can do these things with professional assistance, and they are relatively easy to set up. In addition, they will provide you with power when you need it, which is very useful.

For one thing, you wouldn’t need to pay monthly electric bills because you’d be living off solar power. You could also avoid paying for gas and heating oil by generating your energy with a wood stove.

It’s also worth considering whether or not you want to be completely self-sufficient. If you want to be able to grow food, you will need to invest in a garden. You can either plant seeds yourself or buy them at a store. Either way, you will need to take care of them until they produce fruit or vegetables.

Temperature Control for Log Cabins

The final thing you’ll want to consider is how you’ll heat, or cool, your cabin. You should consider installing a wood stove for colder climates. Alternatively, you could opt for a propane heater.

If your cabin is somewhere hot for a substantial time of the year, consider whether air-conditioning will make it more livable.

The Bottom Line

Log Cabin in the mountians

Photo by Mumemories via iStock

If you’re looking to buy a log cabin, there are many things to consider. You will want to make your log cabin home unique, comfortable, and affordable. You should also make sure that it is sustainable and durable, so you can avoid spending thousands on heating or maintenance further down the line.

Once you’ve taken all of these factors into consideration, you can enjoy your new home!

Building a home cabin from scratch is a fun project that will give you enjoyment for years to come. With creativity and elbow grease, you can build your own home cabin without breaking the bank.

Follow these steps and you’ll have a beautiful log cabin retreat in no time.

Learn More:

Author: DIYTalk