Home Garden Must-Have Garden Vegetables List

Must-Have Garden Vegetables List

Must-Have Garden Vegetables List

Photo by cjp via iStock

Planting a garden begins with planning what vegetables you want to grow. The problem is that there are so many choices! So, how do you narrow it down?

With this must-have garden vegetables list, that’s how!

If you’re going to take the time to plant a garden and tend to it over the course of the growing season, you might as well have vegetables that are easy to grow, how versatile they are, and how good they taste.

It’s also important to consider how productive the vegetable plants are and how healthy they are to eat.

In the video above by Self Sufficient Me, you’ll learn about all of the aforementioned topics, that way you know the best plants to add to your vegetable garden.

As Mark describes in the video, there are ten vegetables that fit the “must-have” criteria for inclusion on a garden vegetables list. They are:

  • Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Beetroot
  • Onions
  • Cucumbers
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes

That’s quite the list!

Clearly, a garden vegetables list should have a good variety of veggies, that way you have food at your fingertips for a variety of types of meals.

Many of these vegetables can be pickled or canned to extend their shelf-life, too. They can be planted in the ground or raised beds, if you like.

garden vegetables

Photo by jacoblund via iStock

Now, this isn’t a definitive list by any means. After all, there are some classic vegetables not on the list, like celery and zucchini. But, as Mike points out, it’s a nice balance of greens, fruitables, and legumes.

So, I suppose the only question is this: what would your garden vegetables list include?

Personally, I’d swap out the tomatoes for celery because I’m simply not a tomato fan. I’d ditch beetroot for kale, too.

At any rate, if you want to get some further insights into an ideal garden vegetables list, be sure to watch the video above in its entirety!

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Author: DIYTalk