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12 Ways to Save Money on Home DIY Projects

12 Ways to Save Money on Home DIY Projects

 photo by blackCAT via iStock

Everyone loves a good DIY project. DIY projects can be fun, creative, and satisfying. But they can also be expensive. If you’re not careful, all those little projects can start to add up. So how do you save money on your DIY projects?

In this article, we’ll share 12 tips on saving money on creative home DIY projects. By following these tips, you can enjoy all the benefits of DIY without breaking the bank.

1. Create a DIY Cleaners Kit

DIY Cleaners Kit

 photo by Helin Loik-Tomson via iStock

One of the easiest ways to save money on DIY projects is to create a cleaners kit. This way, you’ll always have the supplies you need on hand, and you won’t have to waste time (and money) running to the store every tim you start a new project.

To create your cleaners kit, get the following items:

  • Empty spray bottles
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Lemon juice
  • Castile soap
  • Essential oils (for scent)

Once you have all of your supplies, label each bottle with its contents. Then, when it’s time to start cleaning, grab the appropriate bottle and get to work. No trip to the store is necessary!

2. Shop at Local Thrift Stores

Local thrift stores are an excellent resource for DIY supplies. You can often find everything from fabric to furniture to picture frames at a fraction of the cost of retail stores.

Before starting your next project, take a trip to your local thrift store and see what they offer. You may be surprised at what you find.

3. Reuse and Repurpose Items from Around the House

Reuse And Repurpose Items From Around The House

 photo by Helin Loik-Tomson via iStock

Before you run out and buy new supplies for your project, look around your house first. You may already have everything you need.

For example, an old shirt can be used as fabric for a pillowcase, an empty jar can be turned into a vase, and an unused picture frame can be repurposed into a bulletin board.

Get creative and see what you can find around your house before heading to the store.

4. Buy in Bulk

If you know you’ll be using a lot of a particular item for your project, it’s worth buying in bulk. This is often much cheaper than buying small quantities of the same thing.

For example, buy a gallon of paint instead of a quart if you’re planning on painting a room. Or, if you’re making your laundry detergent, buy ingredients in bulk so you can make several batches at once.

5. Plant A Tree

Plant A Tree

 photo by Maksym Belchenko via iStock

Trees are a great source of free wood for DIY projects. If you have the space, plant a tree (or two) in your yard. Once the tree grows big enough, you can use the wood for everything from building furniture to making picture frames.

Not only will you save money on lumber, but you’ll also be doing your part to help the environment. It’s a win-win!

6. Use Scraps and Leftovers

When you’re done with a project, don’t throw away all the scraps and leftovers. These can often be repurposed and used for future projects.

For example, leftover paint can be used to touch up scratches in furniture; fabric scraps can be used to make pillows or patch clothing; and wood scraps for smaller projects, like picture frames or jewelry boxes.

7. Shop at Yard Sales

Shop At Yard Sales

 photo by Christine_Kohler via iStock

Yard sales are a great place to find cheap DIY supplies. You never know what you’ll find, so it’s worth browsing through a few sales before starting your project.

You can often find everything from furniture to fabric to picture frames at yard sales. And since people are trying to get rid of these items, you can usually negotiate a lower price.

8. Get Coupons and Discounts

Before you buy anything for your project, be sure to check for coupons and discounts. Many stores offer discounts on DIY supplies, so it’s worth it to take the time to look for them.

You can often find coupons in the Sunday paper or online. And, if you’re a student, you may be able to get a discount just by showing your ID.

9. Join a Warehouse Club

Join A Warehouse Club

 photo by primeimages via iStock

If you plan on doing many DIY projects, joining a warehouse club like Costco or Sam’s Club is worth it. These clubs offer members discounts on everything from lumber to paint to power tools.

The initial membership fee can be pricey, but if you do a lot of projects, you’ll quickly make up for it with all the money you’ll save.

10. Barter with Friends and Neighbors

If you have friends or neighbors who are also into DIY, see if there is anything you can trade with them. For example, if you have extra paint, see if they have any lumber you can use.

You may be surprised at what people are willing to trade. And, it’s a great way to get the necessary supplies without spending any money.

11. Get Free Supplies from Freecycle

Free Supplies From Freecycle

photo by Ozgur Coskun via iStock

Freecycle is an online community of people looking to get rid of stuff for free. It’s an excellent resource for finding free DIY supplies.

All you have to do is join your local Freecycle group and browse through the listings. You never know what you’ll find.

12. Check Out Craigslist

Craigslist is another great place to find free or cheap supplies for your project. Search the “Free” section to see what people give away.

You can often find everything from furniture to building materials to power tools. And, since people are trying to get rid of these items, you can usually negotiate a lower price.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it! These are just a few ways to save money on your next DIY project. By following these tips, you’ll be able to stretch your budget and still get the supplies you need. Happy creating!

Author: DiyTalk